Count on your core
It all comes from your core!

We’ve all neglected training our core muscles at some point, or even at the moment. When we do this, physical movements become harder to do and we put our bodies at risk of injury.

When doing everyday movements, our muscles contract to keep our trunk stable. Your core is important in any athletic pursuit, keeping your spine stable and reducing the risk of any injury. Multifunctional movements will help you keep your trunk in shape.

Four multifunctional movements to help keep you strong and safe!

1. Walking lunges
2. Barbell bent over rows
3. Barbell back/front squats
4. Burpees
All these movements engage your core while targeting another muscle group as well. Two birds with one stone.

Try planking for as long as you possibly can. The amount of time you can stay in a planking position with proper form is a great indicator of your core strength.

Who said you can’t multi-task

Using these movements in your programme is the fitness equivalent of multi-tasking. With the help of our trainers, your training can be more effective. If you want to achieve more and get back into shape, click the button below and

If you engage in these exercises, you agree that you do so at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself.