Bend, don’t break
Work, rest and repeat!

Are you pursuing a healthy life? Do you often get into a good rhythm of training for a few weeks only to fall of the wagon? This could be caused by a common fitness mistake.

Many of us jump straight into things and try to train at an intensity level beyond our current fitness. Your body needs time to get used to training again, if you don’t ease into things your body will take too much time to recover. It’s in this period of recovery that we tend to stop training as our bodies try to recuperate.

3 ways to avoid over exertion.

1: Have a weekly training schedule (include at least one full rest day).
2: Train to your body’s capacity and intensify as you get fitter.
3. Leave your ego at home.

Stay on the wagon

Your recovery is meant to aid you on your journey, not keep you away from it. Our experts are here to help you find the best plan to work, rest and be able to repeat the process.